28 July 2012

Thank God!! Westeros Got No Internet

In a general slang, we use FBme ,Google or tweet quite instinctively, and it makes an amazing turf for what you want to know.  

You express, You share, You comment, you discuss... 

It is just marvellous, and a wonder that we can do so many things, from anyplace in this world. It is like we all have power of telepathy. In fact, a long time back I read a story, where a guy from earth goes to certain planet X, and there people have power to read other people's thoughts. So this guy, basically wants to rob them, because they leave their shops open, and for the fact that all men there, are honest. So he dared and eventually got caught. He probably deserved it. 

Now consider this, if all men of that planet are not honest, some of them are corrupt officials, government agencies dedicated to their missions, psychotic oglers, and most common people with common vices. In that world, nothing is secure, I have to guard about everything that I say. Its OK, if we are meaning to say "LOL, or What's up". But world is far bigger and has its bunch of issues,  people for example, want to condemn the government, they want to share their pain, and the only platform that they think, they can be heard is these Social Networks. But all of these people are insecure in some sense, and these insecurities are well documented, even backup-ed, and many people use it in some good sense, but this is a sword without a hilt, and hence can be used to harm us, or people we love.

Another concern that I have, is about the notion of my individuality. Hey! I openly  assert that I  want to privy my thoughts. But there are these data-miners and statisticians, that generates model, to what I like, how I feel, and even where I poop. As a human, the notion of being  a sample point of their monstrous data sets, and being averaged to some mixed individual, is quite disturbing. Though they are giving us favourable services in return, but when they say that, they can predict my behaviour, they make me obnoxious and unhealthy.

It is just a thought, and may be I'm over thinking, but the notion that I live in a free country, and can have any free thoughts, doesn't exist anymore. I'm being monitored, analyzed and probably they have already plans for how to tackle me.
Hey!! Watchers, don't bother doing that, I won't pull up any fiasco :P. I have no intention to give you pain. And data miners and statisticians, if you are analyzing me then give me something really good.  

Say, surprise me!!
I'm a free soul, a wildling at heart, and  will seek the notion of freedom in these times.


P.s: All Mr Statisticians and Data-miners, don't take me bad, you are averaging me, and so did I, but if we meet, then say just "Hi"  and not some #tags :P

27 July 2012

A Computer Engineer's Symphony!!

#Geeky #tweaky #freaky
that is my way, O Brother!!
Yo!! I'm an engineer to BOOT
Entered Research in my blackBlue Suit!!

I got nothn, but hey!!
What's up, What's up
 like a while(1) endless loop.

Ooooh!! a hot chick, a ht chik
words fail, like crumbles of BREAD
So I go and say
#me #you #a hot date
And only warmth I felt,
when she slapped my just face
I just mulled over, with copious of code
Hey!! What do u know,
I think I made something rash,
That slap just gave me pockets full of cash!

Life goes, ON and ON
Still I got my three tags
#Geeky, #tweaky, #freaky


25 July 2012

Where three roads meet!!

Its been 5 years 11 days, since I first came to IIIT Hyderabad, and now I'm almost done with my journey here, and a new journey awaits for me, although what it is, I have got no clue. I'm interested in pursuing Research via enrollment in PHD program,  get involved in some idea which might become next Google. Or a developer, where salary is good, work range is diverse, from system deployment to operations management, from front end developer to low level optimization. Plus you have weekends all to yourself, go read, trek, or play Casanova. My point is whenever these three roads meet, we must give a moment to ourselves and think.

I'm at this juncture, and although there are three roads, but there is always proxy road. For eg. you can do IAS, MBA or join some business venture. But for now, lets talk about development, say you join some company, you commit yourself to its goals, and get involved in various stages like testing, tool-making or interface development. The product gets released, and you enjoy it over Snacks and Booze with colleagues. In fact, every Friday you have #TGIF moment. However your product is actually out there, helping someone directly or indirectly. For example, today I found a startup named Soluto, and it offers a solution from which you can manage and repair the PC's located at your home, or your uncle's home. It is useful utility that one might want to have if your parents are not geek themselves. On the other hand, I have many bleak examples of people, whose contribution never saw the light of the day, or saw but were unable to survive. Another thing that I find amusing about the development, is that sometimes you keep developing stuff, that is already out there, like cloud storage service, which Dropbox first offered, is now offered by Microsoft, Amazon too. And even when you are done with development, other party has already gained some momentum in market. There is a little fun in that, at least to me. I'm also well aware about the history of big punks like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook etc, and what I can gather is that all of them came up with one original product, which were all awesome, and then they kept exploiting their product to extend in the ways, that lead to development of Google+(Facebook), GoogleDrive(Dropbox)  and much more.
And I think most of the people have grown into this practice, and our Software Engineering science has grown into managing these kind of things.

And now let's talk about "research", the word is cool in itself, to find things that we were unable to see till now, although they were there. And when I talk about research, I mean to put invention, discovery and adventure all in the same context. It is what I thought the research was, when I first joined, but gradually I learned that Research is more like years of Jazz and Blues with one night of Rock or Karaoke night. You don't always get expected results, you need to pick right problem at right time. In research your valuation depends on what you deliver, and what you deliver has nothing to give to present generation, than you must become Professor or something, because world moves most part of Research, and at some point of time you might wanna ride on it. But there are guys, who rides their passion like a Dothraki stallion, and their research might shake the world. In research, you must have a clear notion of what satisfies you, you may get satisfied if you are making tools that make it easier for people to work in certain domains. There can be thousand things that you can expect from research, for example Richard Feynman used to teach when he was not working on some problem, and we all know that he was one of the greatest teacher. Same goes for David Hilbert, he used to do research and touch the boundaries of his subjects and when he got enough hang of that subject, he would  shift his focus on another subject and pursue it like a newbie, and finishes it like a master, by giving something valuable to the subject.And as for Paul Erdos, it was always to meet new minds at new places, and collaborating with almost everyone who has a good problem in his hands.

All these are very crude examples, cause I'm just a simpleton, yet the process to research is that tad simple. I hope I've made a quite distinction between these two roads, and it might help me to sort out some of the hidden notions involved.



My morning started early, and I don't  know why, but I was moody. May be it was weather, or the thought of having Biryani at lunch, or may be the sudden appearance of our wing Ninja, Akhil. There is an upcoming marathon in Hyderabad, so I thought why not jog, but as I stepped out of bed, I felt a twitch near my ankle. So there goes my grand dream of winning "Half-Marathon".

Yet, it was damn Wednesday, so I thought why not give research a #Wednesday start. So I went, and saw lab all to myself. In the lone galley, I thought I could do some nasty things, so I configured a ssh tunnel, which linked all of PCs in my lab, such that I could use their speakers at a time. And when it was done, I played "Duaa" of Shanghai, and as awesome it was, it did some more wonders to my mood.

By the time, I finished reading my mails, I began to patch few papers into my thesis material. As easy it sounds, it takes a lot of time to figure out what to pick and what not to. And today is official release of Shounen manga, so I'll have fun reading manga and mangaspoilers.

It is still early, so I cannot account for what goes next on this F***ing fine day, although one thing is sure, Pulkit will come nagging, no matter what day. I think that is constant thing in my life, these days, and I don't know why I'm saying this, but it gives the sense of life, with things moving and unmoving.

To conclude, I would say "Jaag Jao!!, this is #Wednesday"