This quote from the “Lord Of The Rings“ pretty much says, what I have to say. But still I would like to elaborate to the finest detail I can think of. A pirate is a being of his own, he cares not for the world's offering, as he takes what he wants. And thing I like most about pirates is that they live till they can, because with every morning, dangers of the world surrounds them. Be it unpredictable and stormy sea, or some hunters who want to put a stop on their existence.Go not to the elves for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.
–J. R. R. Tolkien
Pirates are sort of people, who take certain idea, and they want to dive in, and explore it to the darkest depth. In historical context, I see Galileo, Galois and Tesla as people, who lived and defined their own way of living.
Have you ever wondered, what anybody's life would be, if he/she can be truly free for even a moment. I dream of being a bird, to fly high, to be hunted by predator and looking through scarce lands, for a tiny glint of water.
Of course, life is hard, but there is delight in having such a life. I know, there are always struggles, but pirates never run and face their problems head on. I end this post by this delightful comment from movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Life’s pretty good, and why wouldn’t it be? I’m a pirate, after all.
–Capt. Jack Sparrow
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