9 June 2013

My brain is open..

This is one of the favourite line of great mathematician, Paul Erdős, and he used to say this to anyone, when discussing any mathematical problem. And so other guy, opens his heart to Paul, and their thoughts about the problem.
Until today, I thought it was cool of Paul, that he used to say this statement, but today I've figured it out the freedom, that this simple sentence allows, to both Paul and his colleague.

I was reading about chaos today, and after some reading, I had some rambling thoughts about nature of path that leads to chaos. So, I went outside to fill water, and on water cooler, I noticed a strange thing. There were self similar cluster of water droplets, where each droplet had a peninsular form at their bottom. I can figure out, droplets were nothing but condensed water on cold water cooler, but thing I couldn't figure out is that why there is a self-similarity.  And another cool thing is that, I found out, at the bottom-right part of this image, that there was a cluster of droplets, whose collective size was equivalent to the size of bigger neighbouring droplets, and they exhibited the same peninsular structure. This particular behaviour typically involves three major systems, Condensation process, Winds and humid weather, and the surface of cooler. These three systems, together are interacting to make such self-similar structure. When viewed this system laterally, with 180° line of sight, the whole view resembles, when we witness the first stages of water ice. 

A cluster of condensed water droplets

There are still many hidden factors in this particular picture, and physics behind it remains mystery.

It is amazing that there are the things that are so close to us, which represents so much of knowledge, and yet most of the times, our brain does not open to such possibilities. I cannot figure out the reason for phenomenon yet, but I'm happy that I can see, even if it is little bit. So I hope, one day I could say to my colleagues, My brain is open..          

A Bird

A Bird

It's my eyes.. that kills
I have a vibe... in my frills

My beak so large ... catfish and water are its fill
My first born, only remains in my will

In Nile, I wait and watch like a Shoe-still
maybe.. that's why they call me shoe-Bill

A Surprise

A Surprise

Pic Taken From Deep Blue Home

I saw the light at the end of tunnel..
so I drifted and dived
Hmm.., only to see
indeed it was my end of tunnel

A Path

A Path

Eyes that dig deep,
fears and lies of your heart.

Only truth will endure, and
her flesh, or my punctured heart.

Yet, I will make this perilous journey, as
at the end, death will be either hunger or heart.

-- From Diaries of 
an Arctic Fox

5 June 2013

Process of Research

As I sat in front of my computer, writing about problems and their solutions, so that I can put them in one piece. So, I started formulating them properly or at least technically sound, in order to directly copy and paste things into my thesis, when fortunate time comes. I realized that these were the same problems that I was hanging onto for months, but a simple process like formulation will help me in getting new ideas to the problem. It is not that, these ideas were not there, they were just floating around, but till now, I didn't realize that the bait will be writing.

The problem with formulation is that, it is not that simple. Say, I wrote this line
and hence, memory alignment if done carefully will increase the margin of speed-up
Now just after this, out of nowhere, I subconsciously wrote
Robb Stark  [from recent GOT episode]

The point is, it requires all space of your mind, and you ought to think while fight with yourself to stay on the problem. It is an interesting feeling.
Another thing is that you have to keep reviewing it again and again, because most of the time, some parts of it are ambiguous, or inconsistent. And may be that's why writing a good research paper is hard, as we don't practice the problem formulation that much.
I'm having hard time now, about thinking whether I've written clearly about the formulation, I'm so hyped about. And that's why I'm publishing this blog post to be reviewed by peers, because sometimes even your best is not enough.
I said a lot, but I think, when I put research in this way, along with new solutions, new problems are also popping up, and really what's boiling is research in my blood.