30 January 2013

Formal Student Interactive Symposium '13

[FSIS'13] sounds like a good reference, so I thought I should check it out. As I entered that hall, and there was nice panel of faculty sitting in front. I knew almost all faculty personally, so I was a little bit nervous about not uttering any word from my sacred mouth. Sanidhya and me were sitting near gate, 'for just in case'  case.
I simply wanted to know how things stand out in our college, and the number of hands that were raised, was quite much. I understood, that there is serious shortcoming in all of us, including me. It is true that these things happen, and there is little bit that we do on our part to stop these issues. It is no excuse, and person responsible for it should be given the taste of his own medicine.

However, solutions proposed were nothing but based upon naive idealism, like offering more humanities courses, or consider the feelings of other every time you talk. They might be excellent solutions in a world where everyone understand each other, and everyone aspires for the goal of better human world.

Claim:  I can disprove both solutions in current setting of things.

 We are here, because we aspire for jobs that we like, but most importantly that pays. For that we think, that we should go for better grades in courses and complete our credits as soon as possible. It gives a very little time to think about society. If we can just hangout with our friends and have a tea, that is the day well-spent.

Now obviously prejudice of seniors rubs in the juniors and the real confrontation with humanities courses make people have negative feelings about it. Its not my word, it is simple statistics. I think content is more relevant to scholars who want to be enlightened in classical sense. Here there is section of people who want to do MBAs or prepare of IAS. So they might loose interest in these subjects.
On another front,  reading about Gandhi does not make us follow him. Gandhi was a man, which India needed 70 years ago. But today, we face globalization, untrusted politics, many of us have loans to repay.  Problems are of more internal nature, we draw several lines so that we do not cross something, and do something bad.

Proof :

Problems are different in this era, we already drew lines at so many finer levels, and we are just human, we will cross one unintentionally.  Still no harm done, but lines become more complex and problem becomes non-linear[Try Taking Pattern Recognition or Neural Networks or Optimization Methods]. And mathematics is witness, drawing an exact solution for non-linear problem, is NP-hard problem. You should go for good approximations, that is what I do in my research[SOR method for solving linear equations]

I know, I have no right to judge, because I do not know how guys who raised hands feel. Here, premise on which we should base our solutions, is that everybody is human. And what is better than cognitve science and  behavioural Psychology, so that you know how will a fella's mind works. It is nice and important for all of us, because in every job, we'll have human colleagues.  

 With this I've proved that we need to accept hard facts and do something based on that.  Q.E.D

Test Cases: (just simple ones, easy to handle even it backfires :P)

Simply confront people who give you hard time. Even doing so, someone is bothering you, give a middle finger, not because it is sexist, because it is  a gesture to show you are pissed.

I have a few more, if anybody needs it, ping me.... :D

23 January 2013

How I met smugglers in IIIT Hyderabad!!

In 2030,
Kids, It was 2013, Your uncle Anna, Sureka, Vizzam, Chia and me went for an epic trip to Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. It was filled with lot of random decisions, pleasure of eating almost anything and bone chilling excitement.
Oh! wait, this is not what I had in mind, lets leave that story for another time. We go one month ahead, in mid of January. We all were at IIIT-H. You know IIIT, where I made myself a geek that I am today. At that time, our college was in process of hooking up with NKN(National Knowledge Network), however it came up with some set of laws.
And like any other law, it based itself on issues of piracy, privacy and connecting people for good. And with high held principles, began a campaign to ban stuff :/  

Oh! yeah, in those days, it went by this terminology and unlike you, we didn't have classes. Well anyway, after a long series of discussions, it was banned. With all this commotion, a strange thing happened, people changed, people actually changed. Their life was full of dreams, they were laughing and now we were edging towards a perfect harmony.......

Oh! who am i kidding, it was disaster, if life was so simple, there had been no wars, love will be literally in air. Pollution would have been under control, and  Namibia would have imposed a penalty on seal killing. People still do things, and though consequences are still there, but you don't go and say, you forget this part about your humanity, because some of us don't like that human part of you.
You have to live with it.

Kids, these are words, that I heard somewhere. I'm more like a summary guy. Now, I was only one man, there are plenty others who might see from different angle.

Now a few months had passed, and  I was curious, but somehow I remained unaware of happenings. However, At some concert, I saw two of our college guys talking with another guy and I thought I should catch up. Suddenly that dude said "IIIT Mein Ho! :/", followed by a sarcastic smirk, to which those guys gave a weak nod. And then he grabbed one guys hand, and said "Yeh lo pendrive, kaam aayegi".
 And I thought it could be nothing but Pen-drive trafficking.

So kids.. Moral is every man's folly, and everybody is entitled to live with their own.